One problem. It doesn't loop. And its a loop. Either make it a longer song or allow it to repeat smoothly.
One problem. It doesn't loop. And its a loop. Either make it a longer song or allow it to repeat smoothly.
Infact... I like it!
The lyrics are great. Its a great indie tune. The bass and drums rule, but the guitar kind of suck.
Thanks for your review! I can't belive you people think the lyrics are that good!
Nice lick.
This, in my opinion, is the most catchy piece of music ever. If you could produce a full length song, in replication of JerryC, you... that would rock... a lot.
Too good to be free
This music is amazing... I still can't get over it... I really can't say anything, its just, er... it rules.
A good demo
The whole thing was nice. But the slight tapping in the background was a little annoying, and it was just fuzzy overall. And I think this would belong more in Ambient rather than General Rock. It just doesn't really rock for me that much.
I added white noise in the background on purpose, but it came out shitty.
I was going for a Wall-Of-Sound kind of technique.
The 'slight tapping' were drums :P
That ruled.
I honestly like the electronic better however.
If by electronic version, you mean the original GlaDOS, I don't blame you. I still believe that voice more accurately captures the mood of this song than I could ever hope to achieve.
If you meant electronic version as in MY GlaDOSed voice, that version can be accessed anytime by following this link: ve-GlaDOS-full-test
In any case, thank you immensely for the 10/10, my good sir!
I like this. I'm using it in my flash. Its way better than my freaky/experimental/bad quality/industrial song.
cool...thank you °_° !
This song rules.
Its sort of everything I liked about Across the Planet, cept with more calmness. This song goes through a lot of transitions, and its neat to listen to. Excellent.
Thanks lenny... uh I mean LENARD. Sorry about that. =P Oh, I have your song converted. =)
It sort sounds like the national anthemish...
Only problem with this song, is that you obviously used all Garageband stuff. It wasn't so cleverly concealed here. It was good when it started out, but once you started to used those flanged synths it sort of got muddled. It was the best with the pad and the plucky synth. And the piano worked I guess... Pretty nice ambient song.
Well yeah, I mean it was my first song on good song on NG. lol.
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/31/07